AI characters

Imagine playing against a monster that was based on your behavior

Not like other AI characters

The AI characters of today are created using traditional style AI. They are essentially statistically models that have to be trained. Despite the term ‘machine learning’, traditional AI don’t really learn because they never understand meaning.

Our AI establishes base behavior via traditional AI and by learning from real players (every player has a ‘doppelganger’ AI). But that’s just the beginning. When an AI character is released into a game, it immediately starts developing its own unique behaviors that emerge from interactions with the environment and other players. The end result is a character that understands meaning and behaves more like a real person.

Unique benefits

  • Your AI characters will never behave the exact same way twice. Players must adapt to evolving AIs and vice versa.

  • If you are a good player, than so is your doppelganger AI. If a good doppelganger AI has value in your game, this can be used to create new in-game monetization models & incentives to keep playing

  • Drop a player doppelganger AI into the game or modify it with minimal coding required. Once released, it immediately starts interacting with players and the landscape.

  • Like with today’s standard AI characters, you can set parameters. But our AI characters are not masters of the game. In fact, they are prone to make mistakes, and lose just like other players.

  • Just like PMVOs, AI characters can be used in any game throughout your ecosystem. It’s up to you to set the limits.