Metaverse as a Service

Transform your games or even your entire business into a cohesive ecosystem

Before getting to the benefits…

By metaverse, we don’t mean the “Meta” type appropriation of the term. We mean a universe of universes of metadata relationships. Think of it as your own omniverse where nodes (e.g. a game character) in each universe (e.g. a specific game) can relate to and interact with nodes in other universes. Each node is a behavioral AI allowing collective behaviors to emerge from your metaverses. In short, your metaverse is not some digital twin of your office space, but rather an evolving ecosystem that empowers you to understand and do things you never thought possible.

Why use our MaaS? Because it offers unique benefits at every stage in the gaming lifecycle

  • Reduce the margin of error on whether ideas will succeed by performing simulations with AIs that are derived from the behavior of real players

  • Create new concepts based on doppelgängers, AI representations of players

  • Create features or games that merge components from different metaverses without the hassle of silos & legacy tech


  • Doppelgängers! Every player is represented as an AI node. Instead of coding until your fingers bleed, use the doppelgängers, or tweaked versions, to create additional players, opponents, creatures, etc.

  • No data silos. By default, data can be used anywhere. No more headaches porting data to a sequel.

  • Fewer glitches. Since everything is operating on the same ecosystem you already know everything will work anywhere


  • Get alpha, beta, and release feedback from your players via their doppelgängers in near real time to identify bugs even before players report them

  • Applefy your game. Let users buy into your entire ecosystem instead of just buying stuff in a game. Let them know their choices matter; that their actions in a game can impact what they can do ecosystem-wide and even how the ecosystem itself evolves.

  • Normal language queries. Ask the AIs a question in normal language and let them tell you about life in your metaverse. No coding required so the entire team can interact with the metaverse.


  • Shake things up! Easily throw in a new doppelgänger based character that will instantly start reacting to players and the landscape

  • Run simulations for new features to predict how users will react

  • Content moderation led by behavioral AIs will understand the meaning of words rather than just recognize them (this feature will take time to roll out)

Post launch